How to wear your Fascinator...

Here are a few helpful tips to help you ensure that your Millinery By Mel design is worn and looks its best to compliment your beautiful outfit.


Please check that the design has everything in place - even though I try to pack them to ensure no movement, often things get a little bent or out of place. Best to have a look at the design image on the webstore or that was sent to you to ensure everything is in it correct place, sometimes wired leaves just need a little straightening up etc. If leather flowers are squashed slightly, a little stream on them and they can be manipulated back into place with your fingers.


All my ready to wear collection designs are made to be worn on the RIGHT SIDE... except for Perchers which are worn in the centre of your forehead. If you require a design that sits on the left side please contact me about a custom made design or I can suggest designs in my ready to wear collection that may suit. I personally advise again wearing ready made designs on the opposite side as the embellishments and decorations will be out of place or around the wrong way. However if you are happy with the way it looks and it is comfortable.... PERFECT!



I design my Boaters and side sitting fascinators to be work tilted forward toward your right eyebrow, generally resting on your forehead about 1 - 1 1/2 inches above your brow. Best to use the mannequin pic for a guideline and then find a comfortable spot on your head.



I always try my best to make all the designs fit securely to your head, but please keep in mind everyone's head is a different shape so... BOBBY PINS will be your best friend!!! Many ladies suggest pushing bobby pins across the fingers of the comb once they are pushed into the hair. Another tip is also to criss-cross bobby pins for extra strength.

If you have very fine or soft hair it is advised to add some hairspray and tease slightly to give more grip.


Ensure that your elastic sit behind your ears and under your hair along the base of your neck. Once again bobby pins can be used to hold the elastic in place.

I have started using white elastic on many of my ready to wear collection, this allows you to easily paint or colour the elastic with a felt pen to match your hair colour. if your design feels loose your elastic may need to be slightly tightened with a small knot that can be hidden under your hair

Some ladies like to hide their hat elastic (I think this is best) this can be done by combing forward the front quarter of your hair, then placing the fascinator on and then pulling hair back over the elastic. 


As much as I love to make fascinators, I don't get to wear them much so for more great ideas and tips, pop online and get some help from the professional Race-Goers...

Milano has a great article oh hairstyles...

Alternatively Pinterest can be your best friend as you will find many great ideas there.